
Hi, my name is Bianca and I’m from the German speaking part of Belgium. As a child, I have always been angry when we went for holidays and I couldn’t understand the other kids I was playing with. This was the starting point of my biggest passion: learning to speak foreign languages and to understand other cultures.

My studies and my career reflect my passion. I have studied Romance languages in the French part of Belgium, then I did a trilingual European master in France. I did 2 Erasmus-programs, one in Spain, the other in Slovenia. I have done internships in Germany, Canada, Italy and France. Later I have achieved a PhD grade for my successfully carried out project about research into Romance languages and today I am seen as a subject matter expert in the field of linguistics and research.

During my PhD, I have lived in several countries, learning the language, getting to know the culture and doing research: Belgium, France, Germany, Romania, Italy, Brazil.

My most important hobby is working for the Junior Chamber International, an NGO engaged in giving young active citizens the opportunity of becoming great leaders and of making the world a better place through trainings, projects and international gatherings.

Thanks to this organization, I have learned that I am an inspirational team leader and an enthusiastic team member and I thrive in helping co-workers achieve their goals and their full potential. Not only in here, but also during my work experience, I have learned that I am a talented, ambitious, and positive person with a highly versatile skill set. I learned to be adept at handling multiple tasks on a daily basis and at working well under pressure.

I am a very energetic person and I am committed to never stop dreaming, learning and self-developming so that, every single day, I can be a better person than the day before and so I can make the world a better place.

In my eyes, there is no better way of developing yourself, getting a different perspective on life and getting original ideas than travelling. In this blog, you can see how much my travels have changed me in the past years and have made me grow into the woman I am today.


ConnAct – Discover. Connect. Act.

If you would like to know more about me, if you have travel plans on your own and want some advice or if you want to exchange about traveling or anything else, please feel free to contact me. I’ll be happy to reply.